Port Huron Blue Water Bridge




The Blue Water Bridge of Port Huron Michigan is one that spans across two countries. Both the United States of America, and Canada! The Blue Water Bridge currents spans over the St. Clair River, and is seen here, in the dead of winter. And boy what a winter day this was. It was not only cold, but full of excitement for Jess and myself. She and I had just finished having our own photographs taken by another photographer in the blizzard that befell this day. After the photo session, we ate dinner, and then I decided I wanted to check out the Blue Water Bridge and take a few pictures of it. As I stood outside in the blustery cold and snow (while Jess sat warmly in the car), I realized that I wouldn’t be able to take too many pictures, due to the cold itself. The water was churning by quite quickly, and the ice on top of the water just made me almost feel seasick. I was only able to get two photographs of this bridge before I decided to call it a night and drive home.

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Print Product

Canvas Wrap, Commercial Stock Image, Loose Print, Matted Print, Metal Print, Personal Stock Image

Print Size

12" (Long Side), 18" (Long Side), 24" (Long Side), 36" (Long Side), 45" (Long Side), Full Resolution Stock


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The Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron Michigan

Port Huron Blue Water Bridge

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