While on a trail in Colorado somewhere, I found this bird chilling in a dead pine tree, filled with pinecones. I’m not sure what kind of bird it is, but I think he’s super cute sitting there! Taken by Jessica Dobbs
While visiting the Bear Lake area, we encountered this adorable squirrel just hanging out on his branch, seeing what Jeff and I were up to. Thankfully he stayed for a few moments like this and I was able to capture his cuteness entirely!
This cute little fellow followed Jess and myself for the better part of a quarter of a mile while she and I hiked through the Bear Lake area of Colorado.
Jessica captured this beautiful Mule Deer Doe walking through some tall grass at Red Rocks Park in Colorado. The sun beautifully lights the grass and gives the deer a stunning glow.
We were hiking along a path at the Red Rocks park in Colorado, just outside of Denver, when suddenly 3 Mule Deer appeared. The buck pictured here, and two does. However, the two does wanted nothing to do with getting their photos taken and left rather abruptly. This buck on […]
This bull elk is calling to the females further off in the distance, and to challenge any who think they can defeat him for breeding rights. Bull Elks, while rutting, have a very loud, and very eerie call. Had I not known that they were rutting, I would have been […]