After hiking around the perimeter of Bear Lake, Jeff and I decided to try one of the pathways leading up the mountain towards the waterfalls they had said were there. Well, after a good mile or so hike, we found Alberta Falls! It was such a beautiful waterfall, with tons […]
After waiting for an hour, the sun started to dip down below the mountains, but not before we caught it shining brightly over the Moraine Meadow in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Some trees just have all the luck, don’t they? I mean, look at this view! Jeff and I hope that this little baby pinetree grows up to be big and strong and just as beautiful as the view it overlooks.
One of the highest roads you can drive on in Colorado, is Trail Ridge Road within the Rocky Mountain National Park, is seen here. Jeff and I drove over this thing, which is at least 14,000 feet above sea level, only to encounter some storms that threatened our trip back […]
A beautiful sea of pine trees standing at the base of the mountains, with clouds that are bathed in golden light from the setting sun in Colorado, and a herd of elk, in the foreground grazing their fill.
Jeff and I waited about an hour for the sun to set behind the mountains of Moraine Meadow in Rocky Mountain National Park. We figured we might get some cool sunbeams if we did, and we were blessed with just that! The little tree in the meadow was pretty large, […]
While on a trail in Colorado somewhere, I found this bird chilling in a dead pine tree, filled with pinecones. I’m not sure what kind of bird it is, but I think he’s super cute sitting there! Taken by Jessica Dobbs
While visiting the Bear Lake area, we encountered this adorable squirrel just hanging out on his branch, seeing what Jeff and I were up to. Thankfully he stayed for a few moments like this and I was able to capture his cuteness entirely!
This cute little fellow followed Jess and myself for the better part of a quarter of a mile while she and I hiked through the Bear Lake area of Colorado.
After battling with Altitude Sickness for a better part of an hour, Jess and I went on a short and easy hike through the Bear Lake area, where I was able to capture this scene! Taken by Jeffrey Dobbs