Michigan Nature
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$50.00 – $750.00
“Cedar Tree Close Up” “I Can Pass Days Stretch’d In The Shade Of Those Old Cedar Trees, Watching The Sunshine Like A Blessing Fall, The Breeze Like Music Wandering O’er The Boughs, Each Tree A Natural Harp, each Different Leaf A Different Note, Blent In One Vast Thanksgiving.” – Letitia […]
$50.00 – $750.00
She stroked one of the geranium’s petals, inhaling its particular bitter fragrance, which she admired for its bold air of unapology. – Ellen Airgood After looking these flowers up, I am convinced they are a species of Geranium. They were wild, of course, so it’s hard to tell. However, this delightful […]
$50.00 – $720.00
In 2019, near the end of Autumn, Jeff and I were hiking through Crosswinds Marsh. While crossing one of the boardwalks, we stopped to take in the scene. And, we noticed these two swans swimming close together, nearby. So, bringing out my trusty camera, I decided to capture them. Most […]