After hiking around the perimeter of Bear Lake, Jeff and I decided to try one of the pathways leading up the mountain towards the waterfalls they had said were there. Well, after a good mile or so hike, we found Alberta Falls! It was such a beautiful waterfall, with tons […]
Some trees just have all the luck, don’t they? I mean, look at this view! Jeff and I hope that this little baby pinetree grows up to be big and strong and just as beautiful as the view it overlooks.
While on a trail in Colorado somewhere, I found this bird chilling in a dead pine tree, filled with pinecones. I’m not sure what kind of bird it is, but I think he’s super cute sitting there! 🙂 Taken by Jessica Dobbs
While visiting the Bear Lake area, we encountered this adorable squirrel just hanging out on his branch, seeing what Jeff and I were up to. Thankfully he stayed for a few moments like this and I was able to capture his cuteness entirely!
This cute little fellow followed Jess and myself for the better part of a quarter of a mile while she and I hiked through the Bear Lake area of Colorado.
After battling with Altitude Sickness for a better part of an hour, Jess and I went on a short and easy hike through the Bear Lake area, where I was able to capture this scene! Taken by Jeffrey Dobbs